The Definitive Guide to Working with A Small Marketing Team


Table of contents

The Benefits of Having a Small Marketing Team

The Essential Skills a Small Marketing Team Needs to Succeed

How To Achieve Big Results With a Small Marketing Team

1.   Create a Comprehensive and Concise Marketing Plan

2.   Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Content

3.   Provide Your Team with the Right Marketing Tools

4.   Use a Social Media Campaign Tracker

5.   Use Digital Marketing Cyber Security Software


You don’t need a large marketing team to launch successful marketing campaigns. The key is to optimize the resources you have, plan thoroughly, and create innovative strategies that are manageable and effective. This short guide will reveal practical ways to achieve big results with a small marketing team.


The Benefits of Having a Small Marketing Team

Team working together. Source: Pexels

First, let’s start by mentioning the three main benefits of having a limited number of people within your marketing department.

●      Improved Organization - One benefit of having a small marketing team is that it is easier to keep track of the members’ delegated tasks and projects. Small groups are generally more organized; therefore, their members often have higher marginal productivity than those in larger teams.

Not only are the members of a small team usually more productive, but it is also much easier to measure the individual output of its members. When each member plays a vital role in a project’s execution, it is easier to assess every employee's strong and weak points.

●      Fewer Hold-ups - A common problem with larger marketing teams is the number of hold-ups that occur when waiting for projects to be approved. With a small group, communication is often much clearer, which increases the team’s efficiency.

●      Better Collaboration - Teamwork, and collaboration are often stronger in smaller teams. Although larger groups can generate more ideas, it can often lead to there being “too many cooks in the kitchen.” If a team has many members with differing opinions on how to best carry out a project, it can cause confusion and decrease efficiency. In contrast, smaller groups tend to focus on fewer ideas, with more engagement, trust, and support. This can result in better quality work.


The Essential Skills a Small Marketing Team Needs to Succeed

Team working together. Source: Freepik

Although a small marketing team has inherent benefits, its members must have certain skills to function optimally. Below is a list of the core skills your small marketing team should work on to help it punch above its weight.

●      Excellent organization- Being competent at planning can assist your team in creating new marketing strategies.

●      Superb writing- If your team has skilled writers, it is easier to create engaging content, from blog posts to emails.

●      Strong research skills- It is vital that at least a few members of your team are proficient researchers. This helps your team stay on top of current trends and new technologies.

Every marketing team strives to stay one step ahead of the competition. For your team to do this, use multiple marketing channels, the latest hashtags, upcoming platforms, and cutting-edge software. Staying vigilant for advancements in your field can take your campaigns to the next level!

●      An eye for design- Your team must be able to determine what looks visually appealing and what needs to be ameliorated. A picture is worth a thousand words, after all!

Competency in design will also be advantageous should your marketing team work with externally sourced graphic designers or web developers in the future.


How To Achieve Big Results With a Small Marketing Team

Here are our three key pieces of advice to help you achieve significant results with a small marketing team.


1.   Create a Comprehensive and Concise Marketing Plan

Woman drawing pie chart. Source: Freepik

Not creating clear marketing strategies is a bad habit prevalent among many marketing teams.

Instead of creating multiple strategies and campaigns that do not correlate, try making a comprehensive and focused marketing strategy. If your team launches a thought-out campaign with sufficient planning, it will likely yield its desired results. If your marketing misses the mark, it wastes resources and can even damage your brand’s reputation!

To improve your planning, try creating specific annual, monthly, and weekly marketing strategies that clearly outline your course of action.

Your team’s marketing plan should contain the following:

●      Your business’s goals

●      Your target audience

●      Marketing objectives

●      Content topics

●      Where the content will be published

●      How often you will publish content

●      The aim of your campaign


2.   Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Content

Content marketing poster. Source: Freepik

If your resources are limited, optimizing your content is essential. The best way to do this is by creating content that can be repurposed for different platforms. For example, a lengthy newsletter can be adapted and reused to create several blog posts, an infographic, an online quiz, a short video, or any other content that comes to mind.

Large brands often do this by writing blog posts, then producing podcast episodes that cover the same topics in depth. While a blog post should not be used as a script for a podcast, its content can be used to define talking points and inspire a discussion.

Creating derived content is more expeditious than other production methods, but the results can still be impressive. Rather than putting time into creating a plethora of small separate campaigns, you can save resources by deconstructing and repurposing one extensive campaign that has already proven to be successful.


3.   Provide Your Team with the Right Marketing Tools

The right marketing tools are essential for any team. For example, flipbooks are a great way to make your content come to life. They are easy to make and can be shared online or offline.  To improve customer experience, try Paperturn’s intuitively designed and accessible digital flipbooks! 

There are many other helpful tools you can use to make marketing easier. For example, WordPress is an excellent tool for creating websites. It is user-friendly and has a lot of unique features. Other great marketing tools include Buffer for managing social media accounts, Canva for creating graphics, and Hotjar, for understanding website user behavior. Using the right tools for your team can make a big difference in your results!


4.   Use a Social Media Campaign Tracker

There are many benefits to using a campaign tracker. A tracker can help you keep a record of how your campaigns are produced, their timeframes, key features, and the goals & metrics that measure the success of your campaign. You can also use a tracker to identify your top-performing content, which can help you strategize future marketing campaigns.


5.   Use Digital Marketing Cyber Security Software

It can be easy to lose track of your login credentials when launching campaigns across platforms. This can create a security threat. Digital marketing cyber security is essential for protecting your business against data breaches and unwanted access to your network.



There are many advantages to working with a small marketing team. Of course, thorough planning and a clear strategy are essential prerequisites for success. However, from creating a workable campaign plan to repurposing quality content, there are still many ways to give your small team an edge over your larger competitors


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