How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content in 2022

Table of contents

Capture Attention With Videos

A Joke Or Meme Goes A Long Way

Show Your Team In Action

Get Customers Involved

Create Flipbooks

Use Gifs

Share Achievements

Follow An Events Calendar

Use Infographics

Hop On Trends

Creating social media content for various platforms can be a tricky artform, so that’s why we’ve created a quick guide full of original content that your social media followers will love and engage with. Learning how to create social media content takes time and practice (and some trial and error…) but we’ve done all that, so you don’t have to. 

Here are 10 original and fun ideas for creating content for social media that your followers won’t forget.

  1. Capture Attention with Videos

As we all know, video content is gaining more and more traction as time passes. With TikToks and Instagram’s Reels and Facebook’s “Watch”, it’s important to ensure that you incorporate videos into your social media marketing strategy in order to stay relevant. That's why brands need additional tools and platforms to edit Reels, create engaging videos, and make them catchy for their audience. Here are some ideas for social media video content:

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Videographer (Photo Credit: Clay Banks)- Man holding a professional camera

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Videographer (Photo Credit: Clay Banks)

  • An introduction to your employees

  • A quick video showcasing your new products 

  • A “Behind the Scenes” video of your team working

  • Positive customer feedback in a video format

Of course, the type of social media content that you create should be relevant for the platform you’re posting on. For example, an introductory video of your employees would be perfect for your business’ LinkedIn page, whereas a playful “Behind the Scenes” video might be more appropriate for Instagram or Facebook. It’s crucial that you’re able to distinguish the type of social media content that you produce, and make sure that it’s posted on the right platform. The reason for this is that each platform has a primary purpose and a set of users - so you need your content to cater to these specific audiences.


2. A Joke or Meme Goes a Long Way

Being fun and whimsical when creating your social media content is a great way to interact with your followers. Nowadays, people like, share and engage with content that’s funny and relatable. However, if your business has more of a serious “persona” then you can skip this step, as it wouldn’t be relevant for your audience, or appropriate based on what your company stands for. An example of a company that wouldn’t need to create jokes or memes on social media could be a law firm. 

If your brand is fun and relatable, posting a joke or meme that relates to your product or service would be a great way to gain more attention and followers on social media.


3. Show your Team in Action

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Employee Brainstorming Session (Photo Credit: Jason Goodman)- emplyoees sitting around a desk with their computers looking at a woman talking while puting post-it notes on the wall

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Employee Brainstorming Session (Photo Credit: Jason Goodman)

As mentioned before, under the “Video” section, showing your team on social media can help your followers understand what kind of work environment your company provides for its employees. Letting your social media audience in on what goes behind the walls of your office’s headquarters could be a great way to build a great relationship with them. It shows that your business is transparent and that your employees are happy. 

Here are some ideas of when you could show your employees in action:


4. Get your Customers Involved

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Customer and Employee. Woman at the cash register of a store, smilling with the cashier

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Customer and Employee

Creating a social media post that shows your customer’s feedback and praise either via a video, written text or an image goes a long way for your new or potential customers. As we all know, people trust other people. So, if your customers can give your audience a testimonial, it could be extremely helpful for your business’ sales efforts, and could lead to tons of conversions, if presented right.

Here’s how it can be done:

  • Create graphics showcasing your customers’ reviews

  • Create a video with your customers’ positive experiences with your business

  • Showcase an example of something positive one of your customers has said about your brand

  • Show an image/video of your customer using your product


5. Create Engaging and Interactive Flipbooks 

Did you know you could create online publications e.g., magazines, brochures, guides catalogs etc. and post them on your social media platforms for extra engagement? Well, you can, and it’s super easy too! 

You can transform any boring and static PDF file into a digital publication with lots of interactive features, such as:

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Create interactive flipbooks, responsive across all devices- A computer, an IPad, an Iphone, and a magazine showing flipbooks

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Create interactive flipbooks, responsive across all devices

You can easily share your digital publication on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. and your customers can access it via just one click.

That’s just one way to create social media content that’s timeless and can be shared many times. Even if your publication’s content is out of date, you can update it by using the overwrite feature, which maintains the old link that you may have shared with your followers, while giving them new content to read.


6. Use GIFs

Adding GIFs to your social media platforms can also give your brand a more lighthearted feel that your customers will enjoy. Customers interact with brands that are lively and charming; and GIFs can do just that, so don’t shy away from this tip.


7. Share Major Achievements

Did your company just win an award? Did your business hire 10 extra people as part of your marketing team? Did you reach 10,000 followers on Instagram? Whatever your achievements might be - be sure to share them on your social media pages. 

It’s important for both your new and old customers/followers to see what your business has been up to, and to share those special moments with them. Displaying these achievements as pieces of social media content will help build your brand and show that your business is credible. 

Alongside your achievement, you should also mention how your business got there, who was crucial in supporting the business and how much work/dedication it took your team etc. These types of posts get people reading and sharing, especially on platforms such as LinkedIn.


8. Follow an Events Calendar

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Social Media Calendar (Photo Credits - Debbie Hudson)- Picture shows a calendar, and a cup of coffee

How to Create Outstanding Social Media Content - Social Media Calendar (Photo Credits - Debbie Hudson)

There are so many different events and occasions in a year that you can link your brand, product or service to. For example, “World Environment Day”, “International Women’s Day” or “World Food Day” are great days that you can create social media content around. 

Therefore, make sure to follow an online events calendar which informs you of important and noteworthy events happening throughout the year.

Important tip! 

Don’t forget to use that specific day’s hashtag for that chance for some extra exposure and reach. 


9. Create Infographics

Incorporating infographics into your social media content strategy can be a great way to drive engagement. Infographics are a perfect way to display important data or information about your industry or brand in a more creative way. That's why you should explore the best ways to create infographics for your business.

Here are some interesting infographic ideas and titles:

  • How much time do people spend on social media every day (per country)?

  • What is the best travel destination for 2022?

  • What proportion of the UK’s population likes coffee?

All of the questions above could be answered in an infographic format that's easy for readers to interpret and engage with. There are numerous benefits to using infographics for your business and it’s also a great way to spike your social media traffic and make your content more original.


10. Hop on the Trends!

It’s vital to stay on top of various social media trends in order to stay relevant, alongside your competitors. Ensure that you involve your business in trending topics and discussions. By doing this, you can open up dialogue between you and your customers, and even create a community where your followers can add their views and opinions and create that social media content for you.

Of course, you should be cautious about jumping on more touchy or sensitive topics, as these may do more harm than good for your business. However, if you see that there’s a trending hashtag on Twitter that's relevant for your brand, why not join that conversation and create a social media post that encapsulates your team’s view on the matter. 

These are some of the main ways to create outstanding social media content for your business in 2022. The key takeaway here would be that you should try to be as original as possible when curating the content for your social media platforms. You should also ensure that your content is relevant, engaging and portrays your brand in a positive light. 


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