The Importance of Tracking Digital Marketing Analytics

The Important of Tracking Digital Marketing Analytics - Phone and laptop showing statistics and pie charts

The Important of Tracking Digital Marketing Analytics - Phone and laptop showing statistics and pie charts

This post will take you through key points such as what marketing analytics actually is; why tracking your digital marketing analytics is so vital; and which types of digital marketing analytics are most important to track.

Let’s get started with the only digital marketing analytics guide you’ll ever need.


What is Marketing Analytics?

Marketing analytics allows you to track your performance, whether that be on your website, through social media platforms or anywhere else you’re present online (in the digital word). Marketing analytics is a great way to track your customers and understand them better, without actually having to ask them. Digital marketing analytics allows you to follow through your customers’ journeys and see how they interact with your content and your business online. 

You may be thinking “What’s the point in knowing what my customers do on my site or engage with my content?” and here’s where we explain just how important tracking digital marketing analytics really is.

Digital Marketing Analytics - Graphic displaying flipbooks in a graph

Digital Marketing Analytics - Graphic displaying flipbooks in a graph

Why is Tracking Digital Marketing Analytics so Vital?

First, it's helpful to think of tracking digital marketing analytics as checking your results after an experiment and something that you can improve on with each try. Predictive analytics in digital marketing helps to identify customer expectations. It gives marketers powerful tools to make data-driven decisions about customer preferences and improve sales.

Example #1 - Social Media Digital Marketing Analytics

You might have posted something interesting on social media (such as an interactive flipbook) to capture your audience’s attention. Of course you’ll want to see how well that post is performing i.e. how many clicks, how many reactions, comments and shares it receives. From there you’re able to see if it’s performing as well as you’d hoped or not - and with digital analytics, there’s always room for improvement.

So, let’s say your post gets 10 likes but you were hoping for 20, you can check your marketing analytics to see exactly who those 10 customers are e.g. where they’re viewing from, how long they were viewing for and so much more. From these detailed analytics, you are able to see what you could do to change your social media content, the next time, so you attract more customers who are likely to engage in your posts. By using this kind of trial and error, it’s a great way to build up your marketing game and retain your current customers and further build your customer base.

Example #2 - Your Website’s Digital Marketing Analytics

Your website may look great but your content might need some tweaking. How would you know this? By “using” our dear friend DMA (if you didn’t guess it - digital marketing analytics). Through tracking your website’s marketing analytics and relevant data about how your users interact with your website, you will be able to see where you’re doing great (for example the aesthetic aspects of your site), and where you may need some work (e.g., your content or layout).

Here are the benefits of tracking your site’s digital marketing analytics:

  1. Enhancing your user experience

  2. Being aware of what content does well, and placing more emphasis on it

  3. Knowing which audiences to target and be able to combine that with your SEO efforts

  4. Being aware of where most of your website traffic comes from will enable you to focus on and think of new digital marketing strategies that can increase your traffic

  5. If you’re an eCommerce site, you can see key features of your conversions, and further enhance your chances of selling more via your website.

Now if these benefits don’t spell out the importance of tracking digital marketing analytics, then we don’t know what else will! 


What are the Most Important Digital Marketing Analytics? 

This section touches upon the most important digital marketing analytics that you should be tracking regularly.

1. Conversions

This digital marketing term has to do with how you turn your potential customers into paying customers. This is essential for all eCommerce, SaaS, subscription or any other kinds of businesses that sell their products or services online. Knowing your “conversion rate” (i.e. percentage of website visitors that become customers) is extremely important for you to increase your chances of conversions in the future. You may need to improve your marketing strategy before you see an increase in your conversion rate

Note: this digital analytic varies depending on the industry type and the company’s business model.

2. Traffic

This digital marketing analytic is useful in helping you know how many people are visiting your website and from where. There are several different types of “traffic types”, here are 5 of the main types of traffic you’re likely to encounter:

  • Paid traffic (that you’ve paid for)

  • Social traffic (coming from your social media content)

  • Direct traffic (those who actively search for your website)

  • Organic traffic (traffic that has come from someone typing in a key term and finding your site on the SERP)

  • Referral traffic (users who have come onto your site by clicking on a link from another website)

3. Website Loading Speed

Tracking your site’s speed is also an essential part of your digital analytics. Your website’s speed could be all or end all. Be honest - how many times have you left a site because it loads way too slowly? We all know the answer - many!

Being aware of your site’s loading speed will allow you to make changes to your site so that your customers stay on your site for more time, reducing your bounce rate. Your website’s loading speed is also a little-known factor that helps increase your SEO worth and increase your domain authority score.

4. Bounce Rate

We mentioned the “bounce rate” briefly in our previous point. So, what does “bounce rate” actually mean and why is it important? It literally means, how many people “bounce” off of your site without taking an action, e.g. staying on one page and then going back to the SERP. Tracking this digital marketing analytic is very useful in helping you understand which pages on your site need more “Calls to Action”, interesting content, or clearer layouts to help the user experience and entice your customers to browse further within your website.


The Best Softwares for Tracking Digital Marketing Analytics

Now that you have an idea of what you should be digital marketing analytics you should be tracking, we’ll give you some tips on which are the best platforms to use for tracking your digital marketing performance.

Google Analytics

Digital Marketing Analytics - Flipbook Statistics Graph

Digital Marketing Analytics - Flipbook Statistics Graph

A classic digital marketing analytics tool is Google Analytics. This tool will give you full access to your most vital analytics. For those who are familiar with Google services, this one should be easy to grasp and understand. Google Analytics gives you useful insights about your site, your social media, and even your digital publications!  With Paperturn’s integrated Google Analytics 4 feature, you can track detailed information about your viewers such as, where their viewing from, how long for, and so much more. You can view analytics for each of your flipbooks, or get an overview of data for all of them, combined. 

Paperturn’s Built-In Statistics

If you have any digital documents that you want to track performance for - is a great solution for you. It allows you to briefly view your online document’s most important statistics, and even gives you the option to download them as a PDF or csv. file. This is a great way to easily get a hold of your publication’s statistics straight from your account. It’s important to note that if you want to ensure that your online flipbooks perform to their fullest potential, you can include interactive elements to entice your readers to keep flipping the pages (and avoid a higher bounce rate).

Here are some features you could incorporate into your digital publications to improve your digital marketing analytics:

  1. Add links and GIFs

  2. Add videos

  3. Ensure that your SEO is on point

  4. Incorporate Lead Capture forms

  5. Engage your viewers with advertising banners

Need more ideas? Check out all of our features that will help you get one step closer to improving your digital marketing analytics!

Adobe Analytics

The third and final software for tracking your digital marketing analytics, that we would recommend is Adobe Analytics. This platform allows you to keep track of all your digital analytics data, all in one place. Here you get all of the most important insights that can be used to improve your website / digital marketing strategy.

There you have it - all you need to know about tracking your digital marketing analytics! 


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