How To Launch A Winning B2B SEO Campaign: The Ultimate Guide

Successful B2B SEO campaigns must be structured to appeal to multiple layers of decision-makers. From managers, directors and owners to CEOs, and even boards and shareholders. This requires a vastly different approach to standard or B2C SEO strategies.

With any SEO strategy, brands must accomplish these three things:

  • Define what the target audience is searching for

  • Create a solution to match this search

  • Show the search engine AI crawlers that this content is a match

Brands must view this as a comprehensive theme for their website, digital PR, social media content, and marketing efforts. True SEO requires a holistic approach to all messaging rather than simply plugging in a few relevant keywords.

Over the last few years, the search engine bots have become increasingly clever and intelligent. Formulaic keywords or keyword stuffing is very much a dead strategy. The emphasis is on ideas, meaning, and conceptual matches. 

B2B SEO Numbers

Laptop - SEO

In a recent survey, SEO professionals were polled on what they believed to be the most important elements that impact search engine results page rankings for B2B SEO. The strongest response was on-page SEO content including meta titles and descriptions (32.8%). The second most important element was reported to be the accuracy and depth of the content that was found (24.6%). [1]

In Google’s industry insights report, B2B marketers learned several valuable statistics [2]

  • 89% of B2B researchers comb search engines for solutions

  • 49% of B2B researchers conduct searches on mobile phones while at work

  • Final sign-off authority is distributed to 64% C-suite and 24% non-C-suite 

Without application, numbers are just numbers. Let's dive into what a successful B2B SEO campaign looks like on a practical level and put some meat behind these numbers.

A B2B Keyword Strategy That Works

The reality is, decision makers in the B2B market have a completely different set of goals, obstacles, and success or progress metrics they’re evaluating than the end user or line-level employee. And yet, both may be looking for the same practical solution and effective communication is crucial, to find out just that.

Decision makers may not be as interested in making Jim and Janet’s jobs easier so much as they are in recouping any staff and financial losses and preventing future ones. The SEO keywords of a B2B campaign should appeal to both levels of the problem. 

B2B SEO Content Requirements

Marketing in the B2B space requires a higher level of credibility, trustworthiness, and industry authority from the brand. With B2C marketing, consumers buy something once, maybe more, but there is no ongoing relationship.

A B2B sale Is more likely to result in a long-term partnership and therefore requires a higher level of trust between both parties and a longer sales cycle. Whatever content and resources the brand produces must unequivocally prove the experience and expertise in the niche and that the brand is well-equipped to deliver the desired results.

Over 41% of 200 top-level B2B marketers report that they consumed between three and five various pieces of content before reaching out to a sales rep. It was also revealed that 68% prefer B2B content to be organized based on what challenge it overcomes while 47% preferred case studies.[3]

B2B SEO Strategies

The three commandments of SEO. Let’s see how they work for B2B brands!

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the language-driven element of SEO. The written content on the home page, about page, FAQ page, blog articles, and services page are essential contributors to on-page SEO success. Provide content that solves problems and answers to the intent behind the search.

#1 Keywords

What are B2B clients searching for?

P.S. did you know that you can add keywords to your digital flipbooks to stand out further on the SERPs? Now you know!

#2 Competitors

Review top non-sponsored results. What makes them rank higher?

#3 Content

Intentional, value-driven content that uses keyword variations, good, and pleasing visuals is the most successful.

Technical SEO

SEO definition

Technical SEO is the behind the scenes player that relates to the coded and programmed bones of websites and content. Technical SEO works best in harmony with on-page SEO to present relevant data with a positive user experience.

Most brands don't consider that Google’s primary obligation is actually to the searcher, not the advertiser. Although the brand is the user that pays them, the searcher is the end user of their product. The goal of every campaign should be to embody the top quality results that the search engine wants to serve.

Review these technical SEO elements regularly:

#1 Page Load Speed

Website pages should load quickly A maximum of a few short seconds is all that a searcher or a bot will wait for your page to load.

#2 Mobile Optimization

This includes load times and content formatting.

#3 Smooth Navigation 

Simple, clear navigation that’s easy to find and use is critical. Create a breadcrumb menu that allows the visitor to navigate backwards. 

#4 Updated Site Map

This is a bot-facing view of everything the site contains.

#5 Check Internal and External Links

Internal linking structures should be well organized and operational. Track all links that point in and out of the site to ensure functionality and accuracy.

#6 Metadata

Site and article metadata and descriptions should be infused with rich, intention-based keywords.

How To Leverage Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is any piece of content, assets, and digital connections that aren’t directly tied to the website. Social media content, collaborative content, and digital PR pieces all make the list of elements that enhance online credibility. 

Backlinks show the AI bots that other sources value this content and increase reliability and trust. Tap into industry contacts and network into real relationships with other brands.

Look in adjacent industries and local groups to find opportunities to enhance authority. Hit

the podcast circuit. Offer to write guest posts. Develop a virtual summit and recruit industry partners. 

Hire a PR team to develop a deployment strategy while also providing relevant and value content. View all of these collaborations as a long-term and mutually beneficial partnership.

Launch A Winning B2B SEO Campaign!

Start with a value-driven goal and use this guide to create a successful SEO campaign.


Author Bio:

Jason started freelancing in SEO back in college, sold his first agency, and now is founder of Zupo, which is an Orange County based SEO consulting agency helping construct powerful long term SEO strategies for clients. Jason also enjoys multiple cups of tea a day, hiding away on weekends, catching up on reading, and rewatching The Simpsons for the 20th time.


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