How to Generate Revenue With Online Flipbooks

Someone working on a laptop with the screen showing statistics and the word "revenue". There are glasses, a phone, a cup of coffee and other things around.

Someone working on a laptop with the screen showing statistics and the word "revenue".


Welcome to our blog, where we explore the exciting world of flipbooks and delve into the numerous ways you can generate revenue with this innovative digital publishing solution. As a flipbook creator or someone seeking a digital publishing solution, you're already aware of the power and potential flipbooks hold. In today's fast-paced world, traditional print media is gradually being replaced by interactive and engaging digital content, making flipbooks an essential tool for marketing and sales. In this blog, we will show you how you can generate revenue with your flipbook, and provide you with valuable insights and expert tips. So let's dive in and unlock the endless possibilities that lie within the realm of flipbook monetization!


How You Can Generate Revenue With Your Flipbook

Creating a flipbook with Paperturn is as easy as can be. Open up a trial account (no credit card required!) or log in to your current account, if you have one. Find your PDF file that will be transformed into a flipbook and upload it. Now, just jump directly into your flipbook and start generating revenue with these ideas:


Generate Revenue with Advertising Banners

Advertising banner which states 40 % off

Advertising banner which states 40 % off

Advertising banners are a feature created by our developers exactly for the case of advertising within your flipbook. They work like an intro page to your flipbook and are positioned beside your flipbook cover in the viewer. You completely control the content in your advertising banner space. Besides advertising special offers or events yourself, you can use them to sell premium advertising space. Your advertisers then have the chance to add their commercial videos or static advertising content to this page. Make sure the products they are advertising for align with your products or content.


Produce Earnings With the Shopping Cart Feature

3 magazines with blue price tag

3 magazines with blue price tag

This feature is especially beneficial for retailers or wholesalers who create an interactive product catalog with Paperturn. By activating the shopping cart, you can enable your customers to place an order directly from your flipbook without being guided to an external webshop. This is a valuable tool to easily generate revenue. Additionally, you can use hyperlinks to link to your webshop and simplify the navigation for your customers from your flipbook to your online store.


Increase Profits by Using the Newsflash Icon

The newsflash icon is a symbol in the top right corner of your flipbook. You can enable it in the flipbook settings in the “EDIT” tab. Besides drawing your readers’ attention to news or special offers, you can also use it as an advertising space. You can sell it to advertisers who can link to their website or product. With its striking design, the newsflash icon easily grabs the readers’ attention. You can even change the text and background color as well as the design of the newsflash icon.


Earn Money by Selling Advertising Spaces Within Your Flipbook

A 3D rendering of a travel flipbook, showcasing various interactive elements

A 3D rendering of a travel flipbook, showcasing various interactive elements

In addition to the advertising banners page and the newsflash icon for advertising revenue opportunities, you can of course also sell advertising space on other pages of your flipbook. To do so, you will need to create the space in your original document, before turning it into a PDF. While creating your document you should already have an idea of where to add advertising. You can, for example, use rectangles as placeholders. You can sell this space to advertisers that can add their video commercials or ad creatives. If you want to know more about how to create an interactive PDF using Canva and Paperturn, have a look at this blog post


Generate Income by Restricting the Access to Your Flipbook

Make your flipbook accessible only to certain people and earn money by granting access. This can be done by creating a username and password for your flipbook. You can sell them to interested people and grant them exclusive access to your flipbook. Since a username and password can only be set once – you can’t create a new username and password for every new customer – it makes sense to combine this feature with a dedicated space on your website which is only accessible through individual logins. Alternatively or even additionally, you can use IP Whitelisting to make your flipbook accessible only to people in your building or just with certain IP addresses. This is another way in which you can generate revenue with your flipbook.


Tips & Tricks for Working With Advertising Spaces

Several things on a desk, among which a notebook that states ''Tips and Tricks''

Several things on a desk, among which a notebook that states ''Tips and Tricks''


Use our Teams Feature

With the teams feature you can enable your advertisers to work directly within your flipbook. If you just want them to have access to see the flipbook and their advertisement before you publish it, you can restrict their access within the team's settings. 


Take Advantage of the Overwrite Function

You can easily update your flipbook or a single page with our overwrite feature. If you’ve enabled your advertisers to work in your flipbook, they will be able to adjust their advertising at any time. 


Use the Bulk Link Import When Creating an Interactive Product Catalog

The bulk link import will simplify the process of linking your products. To enable your customers to shop from your flipbook, you need to add so-called product links to the products you want your customers to be able to buy. We know that there can be a lot! That’s why we developed the bulk link import feature. Just add your links to a spreadsheet, and our system will automatically link them to the right products. To make sure everything’s organized correctly, we will provide you with a template for the rows and columns in the bulk link spreadsheet.


Everyone Can Generate Revenue with Flipbooks

All the above-mentioned ideas for generating revenue with your flipbook can be used by companies in every industry. In the following, we provide you with some more specific ideas for some of the biggest industries: 


Educational Sector

Flipbooks are not just limited to entertainment or marketing purposes; they also have immense potential in the education sector. Educational institutions and teachers can create interactive textbooks or course materials using flipbooks, making learning more engaging for students. By charging a fee for access to these educational flipbooks, educators can generate revenue while providing students with a dynamic and interactive learning experience.

The Sir John Lawes School made use of the newsflash icon to guide students and parents to their website. They also used the advertising banner to include a commercial video about their school. In another use case, they could have used the newsflash icon to link to the housing cooperative company they are in collaboration with to inform students about housing options. The advertising banner could have also been used for linking to a shop in the city promoting their merchandise.


Non-Profit Organizations

Flipbooks can also be utilized by non-profit organizations to raise funds and increase awareness about their causes. By creating captivating flipbooks that showcase the organization's achievements, projects, and impact, they can inspire donors to contribute and support their initiatives. Utilizing a donation-based access model, where viewers are encouraged to make a contribution to view the flipbook, can effectively help non-profits in their fundraising efforts.

This is a perfect example for showcasing how a non-profit organization can use the advertising banner to collect donations. They’ve used a captivating and easy-to-use form that enables readers to directly send donations without leaving the flipbook.

By the way, with Paperturn you get an extra 10% discount if you are a non-profit organization! Just tell our customer experience department before you upgrade, and they will enable the discount.


Events and Conferences

In-person events and conferences have become limited in recent times, but flipbooks offer a virtual alternative for organizers to generate revenue. By creating event-specific flipbooks and charging attendees for access, organizers can provide a digital event experience while still generating income. Additionally, sponsors can be incorporated into the flipbooks, with advertisements and sponsored content, providing an additional revenue stream for both organizers and sponsors.

In this flipbook, our client used the advertising banner to enable people to book tickets for the event. In another case, you could use the advertising banner to allow, for example, your catering company advertise their food for your event.


E-Commerce Businesses

E-commerce businesses can leverage flipbooks to enhance their product catalogs and create a more immersive shopping experience for customers. They can activate the shopping cart feature to enable their customers to buy directly from their flipbook. Additionally, they can connect their webshop with their product catalog simplifying the purchase process for their customers. By doing this and showcasing their products interactively and engagingly at the same time, businesses can increase customer engagement and boost sales.

This is a great example of an interactive product catalog. North Face really created an immersive shopping experience. You can see that they’ve used the advertising banner to draw attention to their discount. Additionally, you can find a commercial video on page 3. They’ve also activated the shopping cart.


Real Estate Industry

Real estate agents and agencies can utilize flipbooks to showcase properties to potential buyers in a visually appealing and interactive way. By creating virtual property brochures or catalogs as flipbooks, agents can provide detailed information, high-quality images, and even virtual tours. Charging a fee for access to these flipbooks not only generates revenue but also filters out serious buyers who are genuinely interested in the properties. At the same time, real estate marketers can use lead capture forms within their flipbooks to generate valuable leads. They can also offer advertising space within their flipbooks to companies related to their properties. What about a furniture company advertising next to a page showing a living room?

This example flipbook shows the great use of virtual tours – directly on the advertising banner where it’s the first thing a reader sees before going through the flipbook.



In conclusion, the versatility of flipbooks as a digital publishing solution goes far beyond entertainment and marketing. From education, events, and real estate to e-commerce businesses and non-profit organizations, flipbooks provide an opportunity for various industries to generate revenue while engaging their target audience. By leveraging unique strategies and incorporating advertising and sponsorships, businesses and creators can not only monetize their flipbooks but also elevate their digital publishing endeavors to new heights. Whether you're an educator, event organizer, real estate agent, e-commerce business owner or a non-profit organization, exploring the possibilities and harnessing the power of flipbooks can undoubtedly unlock new revenue streams and expand your reach in the digital era.

If you want to know more about commercial videos, virtual tours and other use cases of videos, visit our blog post about ”How to Harness the Potential of Videos in Your Flipbook”.


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