The Battle Between Print AND Online Publishing

Table Of Contents

Is Print Media Dead?

What Are Interactive Features?

The Pros Of Digital Publishing


Johann Gutenberg changed the world in 1452 when he invented the printing press. Since then, humanity has been constantly evolving with the help of new technologies, and today we are considered to be in the “oh so famous” digital age. Printing had to give up space to online publishing, and this new concept has allowed us to easily access all types of content, anywhere and at any time.


Is Print Media Dead?

The Battle Between Print vs. Online Publishing- Various magazines

The Battle Between Print vs. Online Publishing - Many magazines on a stand

With the rise of the digital world, many people claim that printing media is reaching its final moments, and everything will soon be 100% digital. On the other hand, others still believe printing is an “oldie but goldie” form of communication, and it's here to stay permanently. 

Firstly, we have to admit that print is certainly not dead, or dying, unlike the “death of the PDF”. Many people from different age groups still prefer tangible publications. Be it for nostalgia, familiarity, that unique feeling of flipping through pages, or the smell of fresh ink - print media will always have its charm. 

However, as reliable as they are, physical publications lack innovation, whereas online media excels in this sphere. Online publishing has a set of unique advantages that can be summed up with two amazing words: interactive features. Our Whitepaper on Environmental Sustainability and Digital Publishing navigates through the topics of interactivity in online media. Let’s take a look!


What Are interactive features & Digital media?

To put it in simple terms, digital media is any form of communication that is distributed online, and digital publications, or online publishing, is the act of spreading that content anywhere over the internet. 

From magazines, eBooks, and catalogs, to reports, newspapers, and journals - anything can become an online publication!

With Paperturn's flipbook software, for example, it's possible to insert links, share publications at a much lower cost, track your flipbook’s analytics, and much more.


what are the pros of digital publishing?

The Battle Between Print vs. Online Publishing-  Digital publication created with Paperturn. A flipbook on top of an IPad

The Battle Between Print vs. Online Publishing- Digital publication created with Paperturn

To make things even clearer, let's break it down:

  • Digital media can attract and reach a much larger audience 

Publishing documents online allows you to create everlasting content that is available to billions of people, simultaneously. Moreover, you can make information significantly more accessible to people with disabilities, by adding audio recordings, adding alternative formats and using Paperturn’s accessibility interface tool.

  • It allows you to improve user experience (UX) and social engagement

UX is the process of creating and providing your user a meaningful and relevant experience with your brand and product. Digital publications give your company endless options to creatively captivate your audience, and keep them engaged for as long as possible.

  • It can help your business save money on advertising, shipping, and distribution costs

It's no secret that advertising and distributing physical media is a costly affair, especially now that it is so much easier to find everything online. Therefore, choosing to go digital can actually save your organization a lot of money, and even avoid those painful costs of printing mistakes!

  • It can help generate a higher ROI via subscriptions, internal and external linking, eCommerce, traffic on your website, and higher conversion rates

It's as simple as it gets: the more traffic you can generate for your website, the better the chances to increase your conversion rate and, also, your revenue. Online publications can help you achieve this with ease.

  • It's a much more sustainable alternative as it’s completely paperless

One tree can produce around 10,000 sheets of paper. It might seem like a huge amount, but if you consider that a tree takes an average of 10 to 20 years to grow, and how much paper a single office uses, you can imagine how many trees we can save by avoiding the use of paper.



Well, it's fair to say that it’s no substitution, but rather an addition! The digital field offers many new possibilities to innovate and provide an engaging experience, while the printing world will always have the power of nostalgia. 

There's always going to be a discussion about which one is the best, however, one thing is for sure: Paper isn't dead, and probably won't be for a long time, but we can’t deny that our future will be more digital. 

Pro tip! If you are curious to see how your publication would look as an online flipbook, you can take advantage of our FREE 14-day trial and create your own flipbook today, or book a demo call and have all your questions answered by our sales team! 


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